Piercing ears of girl child not child abuse: Delhi High Court | Flying Beast | Gaurav Taneja | Mint

"Piercing ears of girl child not child abuse:" Delhi High Court directs Mint newspaper to take down article against YouTuber Gaurav Taneja
The article raising allegations of child abuse was published by Mint on May 8, taking exception to a video put out by Taneja on his social media handle in which he was seen piercing the elder daughter's ears.
#gauravtaneja #flyingbeast #mintnews #news #newspaper
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Piercing ears of girl child not child abuse: Delhi High Court | Flying Beast | Gaurav Taneja | Mint

study lover veer veer talyan study lover the hindu analysis slv the hindu Piercing ears of girl child not child abuse Delhi High Court Flying Beast Gaurav Taneja Mint newspaper youtube youtube channel Piercing

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