Scientists Terrifying New Underwater Discovery That Changes Everything!

This is a map of the world, when you look closely you will see the seven
continents, including Asia, Australia, North and South America, Africa,
Europe, and Antarctica.
However, this wasn’t always the case, about 300 million years ago, Earth
didn't have seven continents; instead, it had Pangaea, a sizable
supercontinent, which was encircled by Panthalassa, a single ocean.
Up until about 200 million years ago (during the Triassic Period), Pangaea
was the only continent on Earth. Then, it started to fragment.
Pangaea was divided into two new continents, Laurasia and Gondwanaland,
during the Triassic Period.
The smaller continent, Laurasia, migrated north and eventually broke off into
what is today known as Europe, Asia, and North America. The bigger one,
Gondwanaland, divided into the modern continents of South America, Africa,
Australia, Antarctica, the Indian Subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula,
which together make up nearly two-thirds of the modern continent.
Many people are unaware that Gondwanaland also divided into another
portion. A portion that took researchers 375 years to find, becoming the
world's eighth continent, which had been lying in wait for them under the
ocean this entire time.
How did this continent come to be? What formerly dwelt there? Furthermore,
how long has it been submerged?
Join us as we explore scientists' insane new discovery of a hidden continent
under the ocean

Scientists Terrifying New Underwater Discovery That Changes Everything!

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