Tory leadership debate: Rishi Sunak insists he won't stand aside for Liz Truss

Rishi Sunak has vowed not to stand down from the race to become the next Conservative leadership and prime minister despite Liz Truss's significant lead in the polls.

Mr Sunak and Ms Truss are facing a grilling from Kay Burley and scrutiny from Tory members tonight as the race for Downing Street continues to heat up.

They are being questioned live by Ms Burley as part of Sky News's special programme The Battle For Number 10.

They are also taking questions from the Conservative faithful, with most of the audience members currently undecided about which hopeful to support.

Asked by an audience member called Matthew if he would withdraw from the contest at any point, Mr Sunak said: "The quick answer is no.cThat's because I'm fighting for something I really believe in and I'm taking my ideas across the country.

"I want to have that debate with people because I passionately believe what I'm saying is right. I want to convince as many people as possible of that."

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Tory leadership debate: Rishi Sunak insists he won't stand aside for Liz Truss

Telegraph News Rishi Sunak Liz Truss Conservatives Tory Tory leadership

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