Kaelyn Kastle released her anticipated single of ‘Touch on Me’ on August 22nd.This playful yet sexy single is the ultimate tease. ‘You just want to touch on me, I know you like it – Ya so excited you wanna feel the heat I'm ready so please proceed’
As a Leo, Kaelyn is a queen of confidence and strong sexual liberation. Through her music she expresses her sexual freedoms and stregnth. — Raised in the conservative country of
Bermuda– Kaelyn is trailblazing what it looks like to be a woman of equal opportunity within her personal and professional life. In celebration of Women’s Equality Day, Kaelyn recognizes the unique challenges and barriers women face, and the rights that need defending and strengthening.
These rights include a woman’s constitutional right to reproductive freedom and access to health care, regardless of zip code or income — and the right of every woman and girl to live free from violence, whether online, in the home, at school, or in the workplace. To ensure that women are treated fairly in our economy and in the workforce, Kaelyn is also committed to using her platform for fighting for women’s equality.
She hopes her audience listens to ‘Touch On Me’ and channels their inner fearlessness. The ideology of courtship is challenged as Kaelyn is expressing dominance lyrically within her music. This partnership between Dallas Austin’s Distribution (DAD) and Kaelyn is the foundation for her continued growth as they maximize her presence and amplify her music.
The reggae tone, funk guitar, rem shots, shakers, guiros, and latin percussion are intertwined, merging island sounds with the reggae tone. “As an international woman, it is important to amplify women empowerment, voices, and sounds from the places and cultures I have experienced because that inclusion is what truly reflects what the world is today” Says Kaelyn. “Coming to a new country, exploring, and becoming a part of the melting pot has inspired me.”