Cystic acne, psoriasis, clear filled acne, Bumps on the face, what was causing it? Now I know! Doctors told me it was psoriasis And gave me all these creams and such to apply, which helped minimally And some of the creams made it worse. I looked all over online and could only find other people looking for solutions to the same issue I was having. Then I discovered it was my acidic water coming from my reverse osmosis water system. I used AlkaZone - Alkaline pH Booster Drops From Amazon to get my water to Around a 7.2 PH. Within a few days everything started clearing up. And then used  Neutrogena Stubborn Acne AM Face Treatment with 2.5% Micronized Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Medicine they can be bought on Amazon to get rid of the cystic acne that was still on my face. My face is crystal clear now and my hands have healed up dramatically. I hope this helps!