If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to walk the entire D23 convention floor...to see every exhibit and every pavilion...this video is for you. We cover the entire floor (except for smaller merch locations or those we couldn't get access to). And it's a great year to see this because the show floor this year was the best I've ever seen.
► The complete anthology: http://bit.ly/2eqdPW5
FreshBakedPresents: https://bit.ly/2e7kh6j
Royal Dorks: https://bit.ly/3iuZZ43
Disneyland Tours: https://bit.ly/1VNdAC8
#FreshBaked is the leading authority on how to have a good time at Disneyland. We provide weekly reports from the parks and special features. Subscribe today to get the best of Disney baked fresh daily. The best Disneyland vlog on YouTube!!
Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/2mMJoQM
Special thanks to our Producers:
👊 Derek Gathercole
👊 Evan Layton
👊 Greg Morrison
👊 Michael Sullivan
👊 Eric Hoffman
👊 Jenny
👊 Tim Kaiser
👊 Photon EmpresS
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Web: http://www.freshbakeddisney.com
Twitter: @frshbakeddisney
Facebook: facebook.com/freshbakeddisney
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TikTok: @freshbakeddisney
Send us mail at PO Box 1519, Tustin, CA 92781
Intro music courtesy of Kevin MacLeod and incompetech.com.