our first ever holiday with our NEWBORN! We didn't expect things to go quite as they did but we had a great time regardless.
Welcome to the family, the vlogs continue EVERY MONDAY & THURSDAY so make sure you're SUBSCRIBED!
We have personal channels too:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/connordarlington
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/lianajade
Oh and follow us on Instagram if you have a second:
Instagram (@ConnorDarlington): https://www.instagram.com/connordarlington
Instagram (@Liana_Jadee): https://www.instagram.com/liana_jadee
Heres our twitter too:
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lianaandconnor
Work with us: connorandliana@gmail.com
Please only use for business enquiries, all other mail will be ignored.