I created my first digital planner and I’m so excited to show you how I did that using keynotes, canva, & goodnotes which are all free to use! Below I will link all the videos I used that helped me in some way:

Hacks and tips: https://youtu.be/nBbsdhvlWaA


Inspiration on layout: https://youtu.be/wOY4EbH8NE8


How to create hyperlinks: https://youtu.be/IqA83eSrkE4

Remember it’s you that makes you beautiful!

#cosmetology #digitalplanners #digitalplanning

How to create hyperlinks in keynotes for an interactive digital planner

Digital planner Digital planning planner for content bts of content beauty entrepreneur cosmetology mua makeup artist daily vlog cosmetologist cosmetology instructor hair school beauty school how to create hyperlinks how to use keynotes canva for digital planner goodnotes 5 for digital planner how to sell & create digital content iPad pro iPad air