Meditation for Splenic Authority in Human Design (or those with a defined Spleen Center)

This meditation is for those with SPLENIC authority within the Human Design system—it’s also great for anyone with a defined spleen. The spleen is the oldest center in Human Design, and comes with primal wisdom and extra strong senses. When you’re first presented with an opportunity, you might get a funny taste in your mouth, feel that something is off, smell a rat, or notice that your senses are drawn toward that opportunity. Splenic Authority asks that you listen to your inner knowing and the senses that guide you; this is how you’ll make the most effective decisions for yourself.

Since the spleen only speaks to you once, it’s important to practice presence and deepening your connection to your subtlety so you’ll be able to hear the spleen when it whispers to you. The more present you can be in your daily life, the more your spleen will guide you. This practice incorporates a pranayama practice and meditative technique designed to attune you to the most subtle aspects of yourself. The more you listen to your inner voice, the easier it becomes.. and that’s why we practice 🍯💛🌟

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Meditation for Splenic Authority in Human Design (or those with a defined Spleen Center)

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