Michael Cohen Urges Trump's Lawyers To Abandon Him Before Its Too Late

Michael Cohen knows better than most people how dangerous it is to cover up Donald Trump's lies, and he's hoping that Trump's current crop of lawyers will learn from his mistakes. This week, Cohen issued a warning to Trump's lawyers that they need to abandon the former President while they still can before they end up in trouble of their own. But the warning might be a little too late, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.

Link - https://www.rawstory.com/trump-lawyers-2658211916/

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

In a recent discussion with vice news, Donald Trump's former lawyer slash fixer Michael Cohen offered a bit of unsolicited advice for Donald Trump's current legal team. Now, before I get to the advice that he gave Donald Trump's legal team, let's never forget that Michael Cohen paid a huge price for going all in with Donald Trump for covering things up for Donald Trump, for being his go-to guy. Whenever Trump was in trouble and Michael Cohen spent some time in jail for that basically destroyed his entire legal reputation by going all in for Donald Trump. So nobody in this country knows better than Michael Cohen. What happens when you bet all bet it all on Trump. So here is what Michael Cohen told Donald Trump's current lawyers, the smartest thing, Corcoran and Bob referring to Evan Corcoran and Christina, Bob, two of Donald Trump's cor uh, current lawyers could do it. This time would be to distance themselves from Trump.

The longer they remain associated to the former president, the more they will become entrenched in his lies and illegalities Donald will do what he always does. Apply blame to them. Now I'm gonna say this one more time. Nobody knows better than Michael Cohen in this situation. He is literally the expert on what will happen to you. If you go all in on Donald Trump, right? Rudy Giuliani knows it first hand as well, but Giuliani has not come to the same realizations that Michael Cohen has because Giuliani's life is ruined because he went all in with Trump. Michael Cohen realized Trump was the problem and he is trying to do better. You know, let's give him credit for that. He is speaking out against Trump, but his warning to these lawyers should not be ignored. But at this point it actually may be a little, you know, too little too late.

Michael Cohen probably should have issued this warning to them three months ago, before they signed onto that official letter to the DOJ, swearing that they had given all the documents to the FBI. And there was nothing left at Malago. They did that in June and in August is when the FBI had to go down there and get all the rest of the documents that were still there. In spite of them signing the sworn letter saying, Nope, there's nothing left. They are now likely going to be facing obstruction of justice charges among possibly other criminal charges against them. Donald Trump's lawyers now probably need to hire lawyers. And Michael Cohen is a hundred percent, right? You should have gotten out why you can, if not, then you probably need to get out. Now before you find yourself in more

Trouble, because I promise y'all Michael Cohen is basically promising y'all too. It's not gonna get better. Okay? It's not like you're gonna wake up one day and oh my God, the sun shines out. There's no charges against me, Donald. Trump's a free man. Hey, look at us. We're all wonderful. Great, and got away for this unscathed. Not gonna happen because it never happens with Trump's lawyers. And if you don't believe me, maybe you ought to start listening to Trump's former lawyers who paid the price so that Trump wouldn't.

Michael Cohen Urges Trump's Lawyers To Abandon Him Before Its Too Late

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