r/entitledpeople - OP is working a paper route when he encounters an entitled Karen who doesn't think he deserves his job! This entitled Karen repeatedly tries to get him fired so her daughter can have his job! In the end, the it backfires on her big time and she loses her family. Subscribe for future stories.
✉️Submit your stories to: Darkfluffofficial(at)Gmail.com
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👱🏼♀️ One of my favorite Entitled people stories!
[Karen PRETENDS to Be the Owner's WIFE! Tries to Fire Me!]
Stories in this episode of r/entitledpeople:
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Story 1 (Submitted By Gerald.P)
2:55 - Story 2 (u/throwaway7487473)
6:00 - Story 3 (u/[Deleted])
10:00 - Story 4 (u/Gregs_reddit_account)
#karenstories #funnykarenstories #entitledpeople