The Space Odyssey : An EXCEPTIONAL Journey in the Milky Way | Space Documentary

🌍 You have most certainly already observed the Milky Way. From our beautiful planet Earth, it is enough to raise your eyes to the sky, by a beautiful starry night. We can then sometimes distinguish a large whitish band, which is none other than the accumulation of an incalculable number of stars. The Milky Way owes its name to this milky appearance.

This whitish band forms an arc of about 30 degrees in the dark sky. The Milky Way, even though it does not appear that bright to the naked eye, shines like ten billion suns. However, its light is largely blurred by the light of the moon, but especially by light pollution. This is why, in order to observe the Milky Way at its best, it is necessary to privilege the zones farthest from the night lights. After having fled the artificial light, it is also necessary to avoid the radiation of the moon and to choose a moment when the latter is located under the horizon.

Not all of the Milky Way is visible from Earth, but about 30 constellations can be observed. It extends from the north, where we can see the constellation of Cassiopeia to the south with the constellation of the Southern Cross. The galactic plane is tilted about 60 degrees from the plane of the earth's orbit. Due to this strong inclination, depending on the time of year, the Milky Way can then appear either very high or very low in the sky.

🔥 As a reminder, the videos are published on SUNDAYS at 6:00 PM.


💥 Milky Way:
- Our galaxy, in addition to stars, includes dark dust clouds, black holes, brown dwarfs, stars, planets, asteroids, comets as well as other matter whose nature remains unknown to this day, including the mysterious dark matter. On the other hand, we can attest that the smallest stars, such as red and brown dwarfs, are the most numerous. The much larger stars are much less frequent. And generally as for the majority of stars, many exotic planets orbit around them!

Thus, the Milky Way is the Galaxy to which our solar system belongs. Like a spiral, it has a central bulb which is a supermassive black hole. The mass of the latter is estimated at 4 million times that of the sun. This central point is surrounded by a spherical galactic halo, composed mainly of stars and globular clusters. This halo is bounded by two satellites of the Milky Way: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. These mark a boundary beyond which the orbit of the objects seems no longer influenced by the Milky Way.

From its center, several spiral arms start, including the Ruler arm, the Southern Cross arm, the Sagittarius arm, the Orion arm (where our solar system is located), and the Perseus arm, which is the furthest from the center of the Galaxy.

Our solar system, which is located in the arm of Orion is almost on the periphery of our Galaxy. The distance that separates it from the galactic core is estimated at about 28,000 light-years. However, space has no limit and our Milky Way belongs itself to a group of galaxies called Local Group. This group, composed of about 50 galaxies, also includes another galaxy of larger size, the Andromeda Galaxy. This cluster of galaxies is itself part of the Virgo supercluster, itself belonging to an even larger structure, the Laniakea supercluster.

Some 800,000 million years after the Big Bang, approximately 13 billion years ago, the Universe experienced a very active period.

Our Milky Way is thus the result of a collision between two other galaxies of smaller size, approximately 10 billion years ago. From this collision, some stars were ejected into tumultuous orbits, forming the halo of the present Milky Way. During the following 4 billion years, chaotic star formations appeared, giving us our Milky Way, practically as we know it today.


🎬 On the program today:
- 00:00 - Introduction
- 00:45 - What is the Milky Way?
- 05:42 - Formation of the Milky Way
- 09:30 - Our Solar System
- 50:08 - Sirius
- 51:26 - Gliese 436b
- 52:42 - Gliese 1214b
- 53:52 - Corot 7b
- 55:42 - Constellation of the Swan & HD 188753 Ab
- 57:19 - Open clusters
- 1:00:20 - Globular clusters - M13
- 1:03:00 - Nebulae
- 1:07:00 - Planetary nebulae
- 1:08:10 - Sagittarius A


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The Space Odyssey : An EXCEPTIONAL Journey in the Milky Way | Space Documentary

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