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Homily | 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 25, 2022

This Homily is from the Holy Mass celebrated via online and presided by the Rev. Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD at the SVD Mission House Chapel of Christ the King Mission Seminary, Quezon City. For FULL REPLAY of the Mass, click here https://youtu.be/8TAaf03Z5Dw

The story is told about an old man who made a β€œroll call” of his children from his deathbed. When the last one said: β€œPresent,” he opened his eyes and shouted: β€œWhat? You are all here? Who is minding our store downstairs?”
Today’s Gospel (Lk. 16, 19-31) reminds us that there is life after death, where the rich who enjoyed life on earth will suffer, and where the poor who suffered will be comforted. Yes, we have a final destination, this will be determined by the kind of life we lived on this earth.
If you are materially blessed, make God bigger than your blessings! He, after all, is the source of all your blessings. Don’t take pride in your so-called β€œachievements.” Always remember that you have received more in this life than you have achieved. Don’t make your worldly wealth, power, and possessions your god. Let your wealth and achievements make you humble and grateful, and not proud and irresponsible.
This text message I received is worth pondering upon: β€œStrange how people can be so preoccupied with a life they can’t hold on to and neglect an eternity they can’t run away from.”
Death is sure and certain. We just don’t know when. We all will die, sooner or later. Yes, time is passing. Eternity is waiting. Are you getting ready for it and preparing?
RIP: β€œRequiescat in pace.” Let us love in such a way that when we die we will β€œRest in Peace” in Heaven, and not be β€œRestless in Purgatory” and, God forbid, β€œRotting In (the) Pit”!
If we want our eternity to be spent resting in peace in Heaven, let us learn to live the rest of our lives now with RIP moments, i.e, Reparation, Intercession, Purification.

ⓇEPARATION. In our prayer, in our thoughts, words, and deeds, let us make atonement for our sins and for the sins of the whole world. Let us humbly come to our merciful God and constantly beg for forgiveness, and make amends for our mistakes, failures, and shortcomings. As we pray in the Act of Contrition: β€œI firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.”

β’ΎNTERCESSION. In our prayers, thoughts, words, and deeds, we have to go beyond I-me-myself. We have to learn to make God and the world bigger than ourselves! In humility, let us be mindful, kind, and thoughtful of others. Pray for others, not only for yourself. Be generous. Be involved in the needs of others.

β“…URIFICATION. As we journey through life, we gather bad habits, bad attitudes, and bad relationships. We all need cleansing, recharging, and renewal. Sickness, suffering, deprivation, and persecution purify us. Letting go of attachments to this world purifies us. Let us learn to let go, and let God.
May we spend the rest of our lives doing reparation, intercession, and purification, so that our journey to our final destination will be light, and in the end, we will be embraced by the Light Himself.

October is the month of the Rosary. This October, our Walk with God to Manaoag will be on Oct. 8, 2022, not Oct. 1. Let us continue to pray the rosary. One with you in prayer. Think about this: β€œMy past, O Lord, to your mercy; my present to your love; my future to your providence (St. Padre Pio)
A moment with our Lord: Lord, help us to travel light as we go through life. Amen

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer (MOMENTS by Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD)

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God bless you, and Mama Mary loves you!

β€œMay the Holy Triune God – the Omnipotence of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, and the Love of the Holy Spirit – be known, loved and praised by all people.” (St. Arnold Janssen)

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fr. jerry homily fr jerry homily september 25 2022 fr jerry sunday homily homily