After weeks of build-up, Ukraine says it has launched a major counteroffensive to retake territory seized by Russia in the first weeks of the invasion. Officials in Kyiv said their forces had broken through Moscow’s defenses in several areas of the frontline in the region around the city of Kherson. As the push back got under way, the EU agreed on launching its own new mission – to provide additional military assistance to Ukraine. So we’re asking: “Ukraine Counter-Offensive: “Can Kyiv push the Russian army back?”
1:20 Can Kyiv push back the Russian army?
1:45 What is happening in Kherson?
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8:00 Can Ukraine win this war?
8:30 Western weapons are highly accurate
10:00 The situation on the battlefield
11:20 Timing is important in war
13:00 Russia has too few soldiers
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16:40 People try to flee and to get out
19:00 Europe's unprecedented military support
20:20 The turnaround in Germany thinking came too late
22:30 Will Western support hold during a tough winter
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25:10 Mikhail Gorbachev’s vision, Putin’s reality
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