Let’s travel together along the playful roads by car, we start a new adventure at sea on a boat, fly over the rainbow with a plane and travel through the forest by train. Which one is your favourite vehicle?
Toys For KIDS - Cars, Bus, Plane, Boats and five little ducks
Jump in the seat
beep beep beep
We drive on the road
And sail on the sea
choo choo trains
phhhhh planes
These are all the noises that a vehicle makes.
Zoom zoom zoom
Beep beep beep
Nee Naw nee naw
Honk honk honk.
Choo choo trains
Phhhewww plane
These are all the noises that a vehicle makes! x2
This is a car. And goes
*vroom vroom vroom x2
This is a boat and goes
Swishhhhh Swishhhhh
One drives on the road to take me home
Off we gooo!
One goes in the water
Splash splash splash
Because it floats
Here is a train, that goes
Choo choo choo x2
Here is a plane that goes,
Phhhheeeow, phhhheeeow
One goes on the rail, oh so fast along the tracks!
One flies in the sky, so very high.
Oh phhhheeeow