What is an Instance in an Ontology or Knowledge Graph? w/Examples

What is an instance in ontology? What is an instance in a knowledge graph? This is a common conundrum that often gets the answer “it depends.” If you are looking for a more specific answer, and you want to see examples of how to determine if you have instance data (or if you need to use it), this video will walk you through how I go through that decision making process.

Note: all opinions are my own as a data scientist and researcher in the field and are not representative of the tool/company being reviewed, nor of any other company.

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What is an Instance in an Ontology or Knowledge Graph? w/Examples

Ashleigh Faith knowledge graph knowldge graph linked data and KG how to make a knowledge graph how to make an ontology and knowledge graph ashleigh faith youtube ashleigh faith ebsco what is an instance what is an ontology instance what is an instance in a knowledge graph how to use an instance in ontology how to use an instance in protege how to use an instance in web protege instance in protege instance in RDF instance in OWL instance data in triple store

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