Why Facebook & Instagram Have Been Failing

Over the last 7 months, Meta, the parent company for Facebook and Instagram, has fallen by 52%. What's going on? What has caused Facebook to tank in the markets so heavily? Is it related to the Metaverse? Has TikTok proved too strong as competition for the two apps? Is Instagram worse off, or Facebook? What is Mark Zuckerberg doing to stop the decline?

This video will cover, Why Facebook & Instagram Have Been Failing

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤

Also, the idea for this video was inspired by "SomeOrdinaryGamers" who posted a video on a similar topic in February 2022 titled "Facebook Is Finally Dying..." You can watch his version here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icSvHRcDO5o

Why Facebook & Instagram Have Been Failing

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