BLoWiNG WiND Up SkiRTs 82 with Pangel just for laughs, Pangels Best Mix GReeN SCReeN #shorts

See if you can spot my LiTTLe DiRTy RaT friend & the BEE 🐝 !
For more of the Little RaT CHECK OUT Blowing wind UP skirts 75, But mind you have to be OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE TO WATCH IT!!


As the old saying goes, "life's better when you're laughing" -- and no one knows that more than good-humored individuals. Those who have a good sense of humor not only see the value in making others laugh, but they prioritize laughter themselves. And as a result, they're healthier and happier for it: Studies show that smiling instantly boosts your mood and laughing can soothe tension and melt stress.

Blowing wind up skirts 31 with Pangel Just for laughs! #shorts Received 6.3 MiLLiON views in 1 Month! What’s happening? This seems like the only way to get views, likes & nasty comments on YouTube!

ThE BiG NeWs is Yes it’s still working! l have proved my point, & feel a lot better now & as long as it keeps working, views & subscribers increase every day, I will continue to BLoW WiND Up SkiRTs BENNY HiLL STYLE!

I have taken a lot of stick for my experiment with #shorts /Green Screen & YouTube views! I have read some really insulting comments towards me, I have even been called Master Roshi!!! At my age it’s like Water Off a Ducks Back & growing up in South London ENGLAND definitely Helps!

PLEASE NoTE: Before you start to slate me with horrible comments like you Dirty OLD MaN please read my reasons why below!


Just to let you know Blowing wind up skirts 1 was my first experiment with Green Screen, which I had just discovered. The first short video I used was a girl Sophia with her skirt blowing up, which had already 462K views & 10K likes. This video/Short allowed me to use the green screen app on YouTube!
All I had to do was simple just add me blowing at her skirt (which me & the wife thought was quite funny at the time ) & see what happens!

Within one hour of going live it had OVER 8000 views plus a load of likes & nasty comments! Blowing wind up skirts 2 has got so far over 23k views & nasty comments + No 3 has got over a STAGGERING 1.1M Views!
I wonder why this is?

Normally my Beards Quiffs Tattoos and Fashion videos & shorts on my channel would receive about 50 views if I was lucky!

It seems to me that if you’re a girl & you flash your knickers you’ll get more views than any of the videos on my channel like Beards Quiffs Tattoos & Fashion - Custom Bike & Car building - Me keeping fit with the wife! My Channel was MONETISED years ago, YouTube decided just to STOP Monetising my channel, So the MONEY STOPPED coming in as well! And the views on my video’s dropped dramatically for No reason or is there a reason!!!

So here we are, if you can’t beat them join them! This seems like the only way to increase the views on my channel!

Check out my YouTube analytics on my shorts below, they don’t lie do they!

YouTube Top Shorts, YES MiLLiONS.

Last 28 days • Views
Blowing wind up skirts (31). = 6.3M
Blowing wind up skirts (28). = 5.7M
Blowing wind up skirts (3). = 5.3M
Blowing wind up skirts (12). = 3.6M
Blowing wind up skirts (37). = 3.4M
Blowing wind up skirts (6). = 3.1M
Blowing wind up skirts (23). = 3.1M

Thanks to everyone who watched my above videos. Blowing wind up skirts is not my day job! I just needed to prove apoint & it did, my views & comments have sky rocketed 🚀

#shorts #greybeards #sunglasses #minidress #miniskirt #beards #hats #beardstyle #pangelsbest #sunglasses #windupskirts #greenscreen #thongs #blowingwindupskirtswithpangel

If your minds set on leaving me a discusting comment anyway read this bit only! You need to stop searching for stuff like this! Read my DESCRIPTION before you make a comment on any of my
videos! + If you see a video with a girl lifting up her skirt on the thumbnail about to flash her knickers don't watch it, or you might get tarred with the same brush!

Please LIKE SHARE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more like this,
& if you do here's a BIG THANKS in advance, and if you don't thanks any way.

LET'S CONNECT, All the Pictures used in my videos come from my Pinterest boards on Angel Design & Fashion check it out visit

If you have any cool pictures or music that I could use in my next PANGELS BEST Video, please email them to THANK YOU.

TO OWNERS AND COPYRIGHT: This channel is created to promote the best songs, performers, producers & photographers + Channels & Videos. I do not want to violate copyrights. If you want me to delete a song, picture or video, please let me know - I can remove it immediately from my channel.

BLoWiNG WiND Up SkiRTs 82 with Pangel just for laughs, Pangels Best Mix GReeN SCReeN #shorts

Skirts Skirt Blowing wind up skirts with Pangel Wind up skirt Wind blowing girls skirts up Pangels Best Looking up skirts Monroe moment Skirts blowing up in wind Windy day Comedy Benny Hill comedy Sexy girls legs Mini skirts Mini dress Pleated skirts blowing up Short skirts Wind

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