Eldest Daughter Syndrome: Fleeing The Nest, Survivors Guilt & Boundaries

The reality of family dynamics can be tough, and trying to facilitate healing and reconciliation can be tougher when it feels like it’s you doing the heavy lifting. In today’s episode, the sisters speak about the practical ramifications of trying to put yourself first and completely reshaping your relationships as an eldest daughter

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00:00 Welcome + Live Show Announcements
09:19 Dilemma: My mother is driving me crazy
23:41 The Sisterhood + Ownership
29:03 What is Eldest Daughter Syndrome
34:21 Healing the pain and disappointment
47:40 Fleeing the Nest & Overcoming Guilt


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At heart, To My Sisters is the fast-growing digital sisterhood founded to help women across the world draw from the community to manifest their greatest ambitions.

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Eldest Daughter Syndrome: Fleeing The Nest, Survivors Guilt & Boundaries

podcast courtney daniella renee kapuku to my sisters relationships friendships dilemmas sisterhood personal development

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