Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in to today's video. We're going to look at the weather for the next ten to fourteen days for this video. Day ten will take us to the thirtieth of October - and we'll be able to extend out beyond that with the extended GFS and ECM ensembles (they run to around a couple of weeks)
Low pressure will dominate the weather to the west of the country while high pressure will sit to the east. The low pressure will throw up bands of rain and we'll have showers in between but with winds from the south at least it will be mild. So very wet and mild for the rest of October but looking ahead to November could we see some changes???
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💡 Video Credits: 💡
CET: https://hadleyserver.metoffice.gov.uk/hadcet/cet_info_mean.html
WX Maps: http://www.wxmaps.org/
Earthnullschool: https://earth.nullschool.net/
W-Z: http://www.wetterzentrale.de
Tameteo: https://www.tameteo.com/
CFS Weeklies: https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/people/mchen/CFSv2FCST/weekly/
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Ten Day Forecast: Very Wet And Mild For The Rest Of October
#GavsWeatherVids #autumnweather #autumn2022