Hi everyone welcome back to my channel!
This video is sponsored by Wiser Heating Systems. (AD)
We recently had the Wiser heating system installed and today I’m sharing all the benefits of having a smart metre in your home and how it can save you money on your energy bills. I’m talking through what the Wiser heating system and smart metre is and sharing a few aspects of the system that I love.
Click here to find out more about whether the Wiser heating system is for you: https://wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk/save-energy-and-money-better-control?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=home+heating+guide+Jesse+Rose
I’m also sharing a couple of top tips on how to be more economical with your energy use through doing laundry on certain settings, placement of thermostats and which radiators in the house can be set to cooler temperatures. Hope these bring some value to you :)
What is Wiser 0:21
"Away Mode" Feature 2:51
Where to place your thermostat 4:53
Smart Radiator Thermostat 6:20
Smart Plugs 6:56
Creating Moments 7:12
Summary of Wiser Heating System 8:20
Top Tips for Efficient Heating 10:22
Input your postcode to find local Wiser approved installers:
Snippets from our holiday coming in a few weeks!
Home links:
Kitchen details linked on kitchen reveal vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZPJqI5cNKY&t=28s
Stripe navy jumper: https://seza.ne/QRQhVhw2k3
Light blue wool cardigan: https://seza.ne/QPw94m9mKd
See you next time!
Jess xx