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Why UK Citizens Can't Donate Blood in US? - By Kishor Singh #shorts

The citizen of the UK cannot donate blood or tissues in Canada, USA, and Australia, but why? Let's try to understand the reason behind it, but please do like the video before proceeding.
A number of cows lost their lives between 1980 and 1996 due to a mad cow named neurological disorder. During this period, staying for more than 6 months in the UK, and using infected beef products, this disease started to spread in the human race as well.
People named it vCJD, which used to spread through the 'Prion' named abnormal protein present in beef products. Now this Prion protein stays on the surface of your brain and spinal cord cells and alters the protein already present there. This altered protein damages the tissues of your brain and spinal cord.
Due to the damage in the brain cells and tissues, the infected person gets blurry vision and coordination problems and goes to comma, and ultimately dies within a few days.
Because of no possible treatment for this disease, and the threat of its spread to another person through the blood, fluids, and tissues, some countries have theoretically banned the receiving of blood and tissue donation from the citizens of the UK who lived there from 1980 to 1996.
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Thankful To:
Cow : https://sketchfab.com/gscreations2508
Young Boy : https://sketchfab.com/sanaullahrais
Cell : https://sketchfab.com/markdragan
Respiratory System :https://sketchfab.com/husamalmorr
Hospital Room: https://sketchfab.com/selskiy_durachok
Characters : Mixamo.com
VIncent : blender.org

Why UK Citizens Can't Donate Blood in US? - By Kishor Singh #shorts

Can British citizens donate blood in Australia Can UK citizen give blood in Australia Can UK citizens donate blood in us Lived in UK can't donate blood UK citizens can't donate blood how many years Why british can't donate blood in us Creutzfeldt-jakob (vcjd) How is vcjd transmitted How to prevent vcjd VCJD blood donation restrictions Donate blood uk mad cow How mad cow disease transmitted in human 3D 3Dmodelling b3d blendercommunity 3dprinting 3dart 3dmodeling