Let's explore Bandung's best market - Pasar Baru.
The market mainly exists in a "Trade Centre", which is what Indonesians call a very casual type of mall where it more resembles a market, except it's indoors.
There was a huge variety of products available there, including local traditional batik clothing. The local clothing I was looking for, however, was the jersey of Bandung's football team - Persib Bandung.
Usually when I hunt for a sports jersey it turns into a huge adventure to try and find one. Here, however, the football shirt was easy to find. That was thanks to the locals showing me where to go. Everyone I met in the market was very friendly. Even if they couldn't speak much English they were very willing to try to help me out.
After paying 2,000 rupiah ($0.13 USD) to use the bathroom, just so I could change t-shirts without getting bare-chested in front of the lady shoppers at the market, I was now proudly wearing my nice new 60,000 rupiah ($4 USD) Persib Bandung jersey.
With the football shirt mission complete, it was time to reward myself with some local food. There "Trade Centres" always have a food court on the top floor, so I headed there and ordered some Soto Bandung, a local soup.
It was some kind of beef in a clear soup with vegetables. It was tasty but felt healthy. I'm not sure about the price though. At 45,000 IDR ($3 USD) it seemed like double the price I'm normally selling these types of soups advertised at when I'm out and about. Since they didn't have any prices on their menu I'm a bit suspicious that they gave me the 'bule' aka 'white man' price.
After buying some more Bandung t-shirts in the market, I rewarded myself again. This time with a fresh coconut. The coconut vendor split the top open with only 4 chops and I had myself a nice and natural electrolyte beverage to slurp on as I wandered the streets.
I returned back to my hotel, which was 1km away by bicycle rickshaw, or a "Becak' as they're known in Indonesia. Again, I thought I was being quoted the foreigner price at 60,000 ($4 USD). When I travel that distance by car using the Grab app it's about 12,000. So it didn't make much sense for a bicycle rickshaw to cost 5 times that.
Anyway, I bargained it down a bit to 50,000 and headed back to my hotel. Perhaps being the only guest at Hilton Bandung that's ever arrived there in a becak.
0:00 Intro - Pasar Baru
7:00 Persib Bandung Jersey
13:52 Soto Bandung
28:37 Bandung T-shirts
36:55 Fresh Coconut
45:53 Quality T-Shirts
48:20 Becak (Bicycle Rickshaw) Ride
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