Let's explore Bandung's best market - Pasar Baru.

The market mainly exists in a "Trade Centre", which is what Indonesians call a very casual type of mall where it more resembles a market, except it's indoors.

There was a huge variety of products available there, including local traditional batik clothing. The local clothing I was looking for, however, was the jersey of Bandung's football team - Persib Bandung.

Usually when I hunt for a sports jersey it turns into a huge adventure to try and find one. Here, however, the football shirt was easy to find. That was thanks to the locals showing me where to go. Everyone I met in the market was very friendly. Even if they couldn't speak much English they were very willing to try to help me out.

After paying 2,000 rupiah ($0.13 USD) to use the bathroom, just so I could change t-shirts without getting bare-chested in front of the lady shoppers at the market, I was now proudly wearing my nice new 60,000 rupiah ($4 USD) Persib Bandung jersey.

With the football shirt mission complete, it was time to reward myself with some local food. There "Trade Centres" always have a food court on the top floor, so I headed there and ordered some Soto Bandung, a local soup.

It was some kind of beef in a clear soup with vegetables. It was tasty but felt healthy. I'm not sure about the price though. At 45,000 IDR ($3 USD) it seemed like double the price I'm normally selling these types of soups advertised at when I'm out and about. Since they didn't have any prices on their menu I'm a bit suspicious that they gave me the 'bule' aka 'white man' price.

After buying some more Bandung t-shirts in the market, I rewarded myself again. This time with a fresh coconut. The coconut vendor split the top open with only 4 chops and I had myself a nice and natural electrolyte beverage to slurp on as I wandered the streets.

I returned back to my hotel, which was 1km away by bicycle rickshaw, or a "Becak' as they're known in Indonesia. Again, I thought I was being quoted the foreigner price at 60,000 ($4 USD). When I travel that distance by car using the Grab app it's about 12,000. So it didn't make much sense for a bicycle rickshaw to cost 5 times that.

Anyway, I bargained it down a bit to 50,000 and headed back to my hotel. Perhaps being the only guest at Hilton Bandung that's ever arrived there in a becak.

0:00 Intro - Pasar Baru
7:00 Persib Bandung Jersey
13:52 Soto Bandung
28:37 Bandung T-shirts
36:55 Fresh Coconut
45:53 Quality T-Shirts
48:20 Becak (Bicycle Rickshaw) Ride

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Bandung's Best Market 🇮🇩

Dale Phillip Dave Philip Dave Phillip Dale Philips Dave Philips Dale Phillips Dave Phillips Dale Vlogger Bandung Vlog Bandung Market Bandung Travel Bandung Tour Bandung Food Bandung Street Food Street Food Bandung Foodie Pasar Baru Bandung Pasar Pasar Bandung Indonesia Travel Indonesia Tour Indonesian Cuising Indonesian Food Bule Vlog What to do in Bandung Where to visit in Bandung Bandung Attractions Bandung things to see Bandung Cuisine