Local vendors mourn victims of deadly Itaewon crowd surge

아침 일찍부터 이태원역에 추모하러 나온 사람들

We begin in Itaewon where the death toll from last Saturday's crush has risen to 155.
Let's go straight to our reporter Kim Yeon-seung, who is at the site of the disaster, where people are now visiting to pay their respects.
Yeon-seung, you've been there since morning.
How is it looking over there?

Do-yeon, I've been out from early morning at the site of the deadly crowd surge in Itaewon. Even before sunrise, I wasn't the only one here, there were people praying at this makeshift altar.
One of the people that I talked to said that he couldn't get a wink of sleep at night, so he walked an hour to Itaewon station in the middle of the night and has been here since 4:30 AM to pray for the victims of last Saturday's crush.
He said that he works at a local club, a bit far from this area, and that he was so filled with guilt about not being able to help that he had to come here and pray.
Buddhist monks were also here praying since morning.
Just the whole local community seems to be shaken up about the devastating tragedy that claimed more than 150 lives.
Usually, kebab shops here are open 24 hours, but a lot of them are still closed.
One of the owners said he couldn't come into work because he was so traumatized after witnessing the disaster.
I've talked to other local vendors in the area.
Take a listen.

"Everyone here is our customer, our friend, our acquaintance. I've been working here for more than 10 years, and it just breaks my heart. I was here that night. All of our staff came out to help."

Fill us in on the latest casualties.

Well, Do-yeon casualties rose last night.
Authorities say the number of deaths climbed up 155, and injuries to 152.
The most recent death was a girl in her teens.
Of the people who have lost their lives, 100 of them were women.
More than a 100 of the victims were in their 20s, 12 were in their teens and 39 were 30 years old or older.
26 foreigners have been reported to have died after last Saturday's deadly surge- and this Itaewon area is not only known for its nightlife, but its also a neighborhood with a very diverse expat community, so these victims have come many countries including Iran, China, Russia, the U.S, Japan, France and Norway.
Just imagine the pain of their families who are halfway across the globe and hearing about the deaths of their loved ones.
I don't think there are enough words to describe the tragedy here.

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2022-11-01, 09:00 (KST)

Local vendors mourn victims of deadly Itaewon crowd surge

Accident Arirang News Crush English Halloween Halloweenfestivities Itaewon North Korea Seoul South Korea United States arirang arirang tv casualties crowdcrush death disaster economy festival foreign news global government issue korean national news news policy politics pressure sport tragedy victim weather world news 경제 날씨 뉴스 대한민국 미국 북한 사고 사망 서울 스포츠 아리랑TV 아리랑뉴스 압박사고 영어 용산 월드 유족 이슈 이태원 정책 정치 추모 축제 특별재난지역 한국어 할로윈

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