Hi friends, happy Monday!

Hope you like my new basement set up! I needed a refresher so why not in this cute little spot huh? But ooowee today’s story, ooo baby girl Lisa, today’s story is gruesome. And it’s not just one crime. It’s a crime within a crime within a crime within a crime. So proceed with caution my friends. And don't get inspired from stupid movies please. Thank you.

Also, let me know who you want me to talk about next time. Hope you have a great rest of your week, make good choices and I'll be seeing you with a new MMM on Jan 9th 2023 .
Happy Holidays and please have a happy and safe New Year !
Bailey Sarian

also heres the Magnum Force scene if youre curious : https://youtu.be/_83lyKaXBZw


: : F O L L O W M E : :

Discord: http://discord.gg/baileysarian
Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2yT4BLV
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2mVpXnY
Youtube: http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og
Snapchat: https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d

RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: cases4bailey@gmail.com

Business Related Emails: Baileysarianteam@wmeagency.com

Wanna Send Me Something?
Bailey Sarian
4400 W Riverside Dr Ste 110-300,
Burbank, CA 91505


: : P R O D U C T S U S E D : :

Pat McGrath Skin Fetish Foundation Shade 10

Dior Forever Skin Corrector Shade 2.5N

Jouer High Coverage Concealer Shade Chiffon

Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin, Sun Kissed Glow Bronzer 2 Medium

MAC Studio Fix Powder NC10

Givenchy Mat- Finish Enhanced Radiance Loose Powder 3 Voile Rosé

Benefit Bronzer “Hoola-Lite”

NARS “Rising Star” Cheek Palette

Revolution Beauty x BeetleJuice

“Handbook for the Recently Deceased” Highlighter Palette

Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade “Dark Brown”

Urban Decay Original Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Colourpop Cosmetics Eyeshadow Palette “Not a Box of Chocolate”

Colourpop Lip Liner(I used as an eyeliner) “CTRL”

MAC Cosmetics “Black Stack Mascara”

Ardell Lashes Style Wispies 113

NARS Velvet MAtte Lip Pencil “Dragon Girl”

*These links are affiliate links. Which means, if you click on the link and purchase a product, a small percentage comes back to me. It helps me keep on keepin on with my videos, and I appreciate you if you choose to support. If you don’t, that’s ok too.

Drinking Deadly Drano - Wrong Place Wrong Time - Hi-Fi Murders | Mystery & Makeup - Bailey Sarian

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