I tried 20 Gamer drinks, here are the best… and the worst

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Linus doesn't really drink caffeine, so we bought every gamer drink we could find to get his ranking on what the youth are ingesting to increase their gaming prowess.

Bawls Energy Drink: https://geni.us/GDQkXB
Mountain Dew: https://geni.us/VduUL00
Coke Pixel Flavor: https://geni.us/0b3J
Game Fuel Mountain Dew: https://geni.us/x9Ezjmg
Rockstar Energy: https://geni.us/gJHx
Monster Energy: https://geni.us/CmzM
Red Bull Winter Edition: https://geni.us/GWcXTZ5
G-Fuel: https://geni.us/EAmcH5

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

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0:00 Linus is about to become a real gamer
0:35 Traditional
2:56 Traditional gone gamer
6:00 Sponsor - dbrand
7:32 BAWLS
9:36 Video game/Influencer
12:14 Professional wrestlers
13:24 There's more on Floatplane!
13:35 The best of the best playoffs
14:23 The worst of the worst playoffs
16:04 Guessing the drinks' cost
17:40 Outro

I tried 20 Gamer drinks, here are the best… and the worst

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