Our New Twin Turbo Porsche Is WAY Faster Than We Thought!!! Beats a C8, GTR, CTS-V and More!!!

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Madi's fastest pass ever and George whoops up on some fellow street cars! It was a great first outing for the Turbo S in completely bone stock trim. Can't wait for some mods!

Our F150 giveaway ends soon, check out NEW merch here - Visit http://cleetusmcfarland.com/store and pickup some merch to be entered for a chance to win this BEAUTIFUL supercharged F150!
No Purch Req’d. See Rules at https://www.cleetusmcfarland.com/pages/blower-truck-giveaway. Ends 12/9/2022 at 11:59 PM ET.

Check out Motion Raceworks Black Friday deals here - https://motionraceworks.com/

Our 2022 Sponsors:

Cleetus2 Channel - https://goo.gl/Ph2wyo
Holley's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQfJXzg0gnfuM4tgmagCCw
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Instagram - https://goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook - https://goo.gl/gdwhh1

Our New Twin Turbo Porsche Is WAY Faster Than We Thought!!! Beats a C8, GTR, CTS-V and More!!!

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