Sporting Saint: Gundog training equipment - https://www.sportingsaint.co.uk/
Chudleys: Specialist food for working dogs - https://chudleys.com/
Lintran: Dog transit boxes - https://lintran.co.uk/
Visit: http://www.mullenscote.co.uk/
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In our second gundog training video with Howard Kirby of Mullenscote Gundogs, we're taking a closer look at how to achieve steadiness in the field with your gundog. We all know shoot days are a big step-up from training at home, and even a dog that displays perfect steadiness when working with training dummies might not remain quite so calm and obedient when you swap that dummy for a pheasant!
Training steadiness in gundogs in the shooting field is something you can work on over time, as they gradually become more accustomed to the excitement of shoot days... if you have the right techniques in your toolbox!
In this video Howard shows us three techniques that can be used while actually working your dog on a shoot day, or in training, and which can re-used as often as required. Even if you work your dog on a lead and have no great desire to do things differently, these exercises may help you reduce pulling and create a more enjoyable, relaxed day out for both you and your dog!