10 MASSIVE Cities That Should NOT Exist

The Top 10 LARGEST Cities that should NOT be able to exist. Most big civilizations in the world are located near water (ex. ocean, natural harbor, major river, lake, etc.), but the following places aren't near ANY body of water AT ALL! And a few are in the DRY Desert with VERY little rainfall! How do so many people live in these cities that have no natural source of water in 2023?
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► Most Isolated Cities on EARTH - https://youtu.be/Yj8QmL9UpK8
► Creepiest Small Towns in the USA - https://youtu.be/PvB1ZXAMkyM

The cradles of civilization all started along major rivers, as they provided water to drink and for crops to grow. And once trade between cities became necessary, water served an even GREATER purpose... as the most convenient form of transportation!
Nearly every big city in the world was built along some natural water way, whether it be an ocean, bay, river, or lake. But that all changed with the invention of the railroad, and later airplanes, highways and air conditioning! Now people can build cities wherever the HECK they want, even in some of the DRIEST Deserts on Earth! And some massive cities with plenty of skyscrapers, are now FULLY Abandoned! These are 10 MASSIVE cities in the USA, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa with no natural source of water, which frankly should NOT be able to exist if it weren't for human innovation.

My biggest suggestion is to visit these cities and states first to decide where you want to move to and live.

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Thanks for watching From Here to There! This is another top ten video where we explain cool facts about the world, it's history and geography, starting with the different states, cities, and towns in the United States.

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10 MASSIVE Cities That Should NOT Exist

massive city that doesn't exist cities with no water biggest cities largest cities largest abandoned cities largest cities in the world biggest ghost town abandoned city biggest cities you've never best countries Top 10 cities that do not exist isolated cities best cities to live in the world Secluded towns where to live Travel remote cities worst countries strange towns small towns best cities worst places in the world ghost cities creepiest towns

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