California turns into an Ocean! Record flooding in San Diego and Sacramento

In this video, we're witnessing record flooding in California. San Diego and Sacramento are both experiencing record flooding, and the entire state is on high alert.

If you're in California right now, please be careful! This flooding is really serious, and if you're in any danger, please call 911. We'll be updating this video with more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, please stay safe and stay informed!

#storm #snow #flooding #usstorm #usnews #hail #California #SanFrancisco #atmosphericriver

Flooding in Santa Barbara, CA -
Heavy Snowstorm hit Ontario -

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California turns into an Ocean! Record flooding in San Diego and Sacramento

california flooding california floods california weather california california storm northern california northern california storm watch northern california storm california flood latest california flood news california floods 2023 california floods today atmospheric river california atmospheric river bomb cyclone san diego flooding san diego sacramento floods sacramento storm bomb cyclone california 2023 california flood sacramento california

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