Father Ted - Ireland's Most Essential Comedy

This video essay analyzes Channel 4's Father Ted. Father Ted is Ireland's favourite sitcom and most necessary, as after years of living under its reign, Ireland got to turn the Catholic Church into its own little joke. Father Ted was written by ARTHUR MATTHEWS* and Graham Linehan and starred Dermot Morgan, Ardal O'Hanlon, Frank Kelly and Pauline McLynn.

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This video may contain copyright material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is made available under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made "fair use" for the purposes such as criticism, comment, review, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that otherwise might be infringing. All rights belong to its owners.

Music used:
Tiptoe Out the Back by Dan Lebowitz
Hungarian Dance No 5 in F Minor by Wilfred Symphony Orechestra (Shutterstock)
Cover Charge by Tracktribe
Funderful by Jonathan Boyle (Premium Beat)
Pochielle Dance of the Hours by Human Symphony Orchestra (Shutterstock)
Perfect Ten to Me by NoMBe

0:00 Ireland's History with Catholicism
3:20 Social Commentary
9:04 Types of Jokes
13:29 Storytelling

#fatherted #irishcomedy #arthurmatthews

Father Ted - Ireland's Most Essential Comedy

father ted ireland comedy father ted video essay father ted analysis why irish love father ted irish comedy father ted irish comedy understanding irish comedy irish sense of humor father ted breakdown father ted church father ted retrospective father ted review just an observation father ted irish history father ted social commentary father ted meaning graham linehan ardal o hanlon dermot morgan pauline mclynn arthur miller channel 4 frank kelly

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