This was a patient from a few weeks back, I already have his follow ups recorded and will be sharing soon. This was a big one. It’s common when you have something like this to go to an urgent care or emergency room and have them tell you they can’t help you because it’s too big or will be too painful. I hear that story often. I’m glad I was able to help him and relieve the pressure that had been building for some time. He definitely slept better this night! 😉 Stay tuned because I will be doing a live chat about this procedure @mrpopzitlive1553 very soon (I will advertise it) it’s an interesting case. I will answer several questions including why I didn’t cut all the way across connecting the two incisions I made. Looking forward to interacting in 2023! MrPopZit.
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This is the packing strips I use to pack large cavernous wounds like the one in this video.