🇬🇧 The match against Inter Milan Academy on January 18th will be the next big challenge on the tour of Italy. The team is hungry to get a win after their good draw with A.C. Milan Academy. Now is the time for our guys to prove their worth against elite competition.
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🇮🇩Pertandingan melawan Akademi Inter Milan pada 18 Januari akan menjadi tantangan besar selanjutnya dalam rangkaian tur di Italia, namun tim sangat haus akan kemenangan setelah meraih hasil imbang melawan Akademi AC Milan. Sekarang adalah waktu bagi mereka untuk menunjukkan tajinya menghadapi lawan yang elit.
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Garuda Select Project is a program about young footballers from various countries with aspirations to pursue a career in football.
These young, talented squads are learning to improve their skills whilst continuing their development as footballers under the guidance of English football legends Dennis Wise and Des Walker.
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