#72. Will Black Flag be Better than D&D 5e? | Eldritch Lorecast | TTRPG | DnD | Valikan Clans

This week we start by launching Grim Hollow: Valikan Clans, the latest 5e Kickstarter from Ghostfire Gaming! Then we're reviewing Kobold Presses first playtest packet for Black Flag.

Raid and sail in Grim Hollow: Valikan Clans: https://ghostfiregaming.com/GGYT_GHVC_2023_1_069

Email your questions to podcast@ghostfiregaming.com

Ben: @TheBenByrne
Scott: @scottfgray
James: @jamesjhaeck
Shawn: @shawnmerwin

Editor: @ZsDante

00:00 - Intro
02:26 - A mechanic you'd add to 5e
12:11 - Grim Hollow: Valikan Clans
13:46 - Saga of the Seasons adventure module
20:22 - The Raiders Guide to Valika & freeform character building
32:59 - The lore of the clans
37:31 - Introducing raiding mechanics to 5e
43:07 - Black Flag playtest feedback

#72. Will Black Flag be Better than D&D 5e? | Eldritch Lorecast | TTRPG | DnD | Valikan Clans

dungeons dragons tabletop gaming roleplaying games gamplay play game rpg d20 player character D&D 5e DnD DM Eldritch Lorecast Ben Byrne Ghostfire podcast podcasting 5th Edition ttrpg Wizards Coast 6th Edition OGL 1.0a 3rd party OGL 1.2 Hasbro Creative Commons SRD One D&D WotC black flag kobold Beyond Black Flag Kobold Press Valika Valikan Grim Hollow Clans vikings creation raiding

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