Did You Notice This in PUSS IN BOOTS 2: THE LAST WISH? #shorts

Did you miss this in PUSS IN BOOTS 2: THE LAST WISH? Puss has already died nine times instead of eight. Though he lost count along the way, now we will count all the causes of Puss's deaths, and then you will believe me. Puss died as a result of a bullfight, getting burned while baking cookies, falling off a building while claiming a cat always lands on his feet, having an allergic reaction to shellfish, being crushed by a giant bell, being crushed while attempting to bench press, being shot out of a cannon, caught cheating in a poker game to a pack of dogs, and being squished by a giant sumo wrestler. Puss has lost all his life due to his own recklessness, further proving Death's point that Puss doesn't truly value his own life. If you have counted it right, Puss has no life left. #shorts #pussinbootsthelastwish #pussinboots #didyouknow #moviefacts #moviedetails

Did You Notice This in PUSS IN BOOTS 2: THE LAST WISH? #shorts

Did you know movie news movie updates animation news Puss In Boots The Last Wish Trailer Puss In Boots The Last Wish movie facts Puss In Boots The Last Wish theory Puss In Boots The Last Wish easter eggs Puss In Boots The Last Wish hidden secrets Movie details Did You Know in Puss In Boots The Last Wish Did you know movie facts movie facts things you missed Puss In Boots The Last Wish PUSS IN BOOTS 2 Goldilocks Kitty Softpaws Wolf Jack Horner Ethical Bug

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