I Found a $700 Dress at the THRIFT STORE for $25! | Building A Capsule Wardrobe | Dominique Sachse

Building your wardrobe doesn’t have to break the bank. We’re going thrift shopping! I’ve been thrifting since I was a little girl, and I’m always proud of my precious finds. Today’s video shows you what’s available at incredible prices! I’ve linked my outfit worn, plus comparable items to what I found in the description. Click “more.”

Store Details:
The Cottage Shop
Website: https://www.thewomenshome.org/cottageshop/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cottage_shop_houston/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twhcottageshop/

Outfit Details:
Cropped Cardigan: https://s71.co/3K7S8KC
SPANX Faux Leather Leggings: https://s71.co/3Sk3LjP
Chelsea Boots: https://s71.co/3Ef6rcp
Necklace: https://s71.co/3YU1mOz
Similar Bags:
Ring: https://howl.me/ci86Cc9OPWa

Similar Items:
Faux-Leather Straight Pants: https://howl.me/ci86G3HrCY6
Cream Blouse: https://howl.me/ci86G3pUiue
Black Blazer: https://howl.me/ci86JvFNUpn
Brown Sweater: https://howl.me/ci86TudSJls
White Long Sleeve: https://howl.me/ci86WSTyKlM
Black Skirt: https://howl.me/ci86WS6xxwr
Pink Coat: https://howl.me/ci86WTef3OT
Dress Sandals: https://howl.me/ci86WTg11no
Tan Jacket: https://howl.me/ci862tug2YX
Olive Skirt: https://s71.co/3xqT1pV
Olive Booties: https://howl.me/ci862uaXOqs
Tan Slacks: https://s71.co/3xsgffr
Tan T-Shirt: https://howl.me/ci868hEQy4W
Black Booties: https://howl.me/ci869qTq450
Grey Tweed Blazer: https://howl.me/ci87dCdwOuI
Black Jeans: https://howl.me/ci87dCCKxFu
Green Jacket: https://howl.me/ci87e70cwk8
Blue Jeans: https://howl.me/ci87e7LugGx
Olive Puffer Winter Jacket: https://howl.me/ci87gvtdRBb
Little Black Dress: https://howl.me/ci87hu2dsSj
Gown: https://howl.me/ci87hui965y

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Beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDHJ901QU_Q&list=PLKUX44R3MbuSDQV7BzvQxMrVeVZfGBCcD
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Follow Dominique Sachse:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dominiquesachse
Instagram: ​https://instagram.com/dominiquesachse
Facebook: ​https://facebook.com/DominiqueSachse

Check out my website: ​http://dominiquesachse.tv

You can order a copy of my new book LIFE MAKEOVER - Embrace The Bold,
Beautiful, & Blessed YOU here: https://www.dominiquesachse.tv/book/
Each product I feature is something I have used and loved and wanted to share
with you. I choose 100% of the products I feature and do not ever
recommend anything I haven't personally used myself. Links in my description may be affiliated and are a wonderful way to show your support,
allowing me to continue spreading beauty and boldness.

About Dominique Sachse: Welcome to the official Dominique Sachse YouTube
channel! On this channel, you’ll find inspiring “Yes, you can do it!” tips for
transformative hair and makeup, fashion - and health and wellness related
content for the mature woman who’s in her PRIME! I enjoy sharing my life with you
through my vlogs, how-to live YOUR best life through Q & A videos and so much
more, all with a touch of faith and affirmation.

#DominiqueSachse #ThriftShopping #FashionFinds

I Found a $700 Dress at the THRIFT STORE for $25! | Building A Capsule Wardrobe | Dominique Sachse

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