King Wants to marry his own Daughter and do all sorts of things with her.

The story of a beautiful princess forced to run away from her own father. The widowed king decides to marry again, but none of the contenders is to his liking. In addition, the dying queen asked him to remarry only a girl who would not be inferior to her in beauty and who would have the same golden hair. And there is only one such girl in the world - this is the daughter of the king. The princess refuses to marry her own father, but he orders her to obey. Then the daughter goes to the trick and orders three dresses for her father as a wedding present: the first is golden like the sun, the second is silver like the moon, and the third is as bright as the stars. In addition, the princess wished for a fur robe made from the skins of a thousand animals that live in the surrounding forests. The king gathers the best craftsmen, weavers and hunters to fulfill his daughter's wishes...

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King Wants to marry his own Daughter and do all sorts of things with her.

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