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To celebrate the six millionth pound of ordnance dropped, American pilots secretly converted a toilet into a bomb and dropped it over Vietnam.
The damaged toilet was supposed to be thrown overboard, but was saved by a pilot. Creative ordnance crews then fitted it with tail fins, a detonator as well as the unit's emblem.
On the day of the drop, everyone wanted to take souvenir photos, but it was also important not to cause too much of a stir. A crew member therefore always stood right between the plane and the command bridge so that the senior officers could not get a glimpse of the payload. It was only after the plane had been shot off, that the bridge suddenly radioed, “What the hell was on 572’s right wing?”
The toilet was flown without incident to North Vietnam, where it was dropped over an unpopulated area. A wingman filmed how the toilet detached from the wing, immediately began to spin, and almost hit his own plane.
No one but the toilet was harmed, however, and the aircraft carrier's crew joked about the action for a long time afterward.
#vietnamwar #usairforce #airforce
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