Why Is Personal Finance Dependent On Your Behavior?

When you meet with a financial planner and discuss your personal goals, we often talk about the impact your finances have on you achieving your goals. Throughout our discussion, we also talk about the mindset of someone who has accomplished the goals you desire. Since your beliefs go hand-and-hand with your behavior, for you to achieve your goals, you must discipline your thoughts and actions. Today, we discuss three ways your personal finance is dependent on your personal behavior.

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Subscribe for more tips on how to eradicate financial stress, generate a passive income and build a prosperous retirement strategy. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmRvxqDS_w7rbIE4G-FXAXg

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Watch next:
1. When Should I Get Financial Advice: https://youtu.be/28Zdtzzlklg
2. What Are The Five Main Risks To A Prosperous Retirement (and how to solve them)? https://youtu.be/aM0b0bZM0b0
3. Which Is Better... 401k Or IRA?: https://youtu.be/ypB1-ZBcc4c
4. How Do I Prepare To Meet A Financial Planner?: https://youtu.be/U3U3Jhz5iVI
5. Is 35 Too Late To Start Saving For Retirement?: https://youtu.be/OYkyNvFzMaY

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Until next time Wisdomites, remember wisdom is asking the right questions that allow you to get the right answer. Keep asking the right questions, so you can keep getting the right answers.

Why Is Personal Finance Dependent On Your Behavior?

Why Is Personal Finance Dependent On Your Behavior? personal finance behavioral finance retirement planning financial planning wisdometrics building wealth

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