#homestead #hobbyfarm #farm #cheapland #smallfarm #livestock #gardening
Pine Meadows Hobby Farm featured on Discovery Channel's HOMESTEAD RESCUE episode -Honey I Torched The Homestead available at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GB4vNK
EMail: PineMeadowsHobbyFarm@outlook.com
Teespring Merchandise: Duck In A Cup Productions-
Teespring Merchandise; Pine Meadows Hobby Farm;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009779130031
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/phobbyfarm/
**********************Equipment I Used************************
TASCAM DR-05 https://amzn.to/2YTHvji
Fifine Wireless Lavalier Mic https://amzn.to/31BjEGX
PYLE Wireless Lacalier https://amzn.to/31zPV0Z
Canon PowerShot S5 Camera https://amzn.to/2ZTrMIQ
Dell Laptop Computer https://amzn.to/2VMIQe2
Neewar Studio Lighting https://amzn.to/2LuCQTE
Canon XF 100 Camera https://amzn.to/2VAdQy7
Neewer Field Monitor https://amzn.to/2VLrCOj
*************************SOFTWARE: **************************
Vegas Movie Studio 15 https://amzn.to/2EY6rarA
Corel Video Studio 2018 https://amzn.to/2PJVncL
Cloud Rider Drone https://amzn.to/2PL5GO8
Striker X-Pro Drone https://amzn.to/2H1j4e5
#farm #homestead #selfreliant #canning #gardening #livestock #barn #chickencoop #nubian #nigeriandwarf #pekin #bufforpington #naragansette #americanbuff #amerincangunieahog homesteading in Oregon, Homesteading, Modern Homestead, Hobby Farm, How to homestead, how to farm, How to can, Raising chickens, Raising pigs, Raising ducks, Raising geese, Honey bees, Raising turkeys, How to make a Youtube Video