Credit Note in Tally Prime | Quantity Correction in Invoice | Discount entry with & without GST

In this Hindi tutorial of Credit Note Part 2 in Tally Prime, you will learn about the concept and accounting entries for a credit note in Tally GST. This video explains how to pass discount allowed on sales entry, What about discount agreed at the time of supply or sale and discount not agreed at the time of supply or sale, Post-sale Discount Credit Note issued when the quantity received by the recipient is less than as mentioned in the tax invoice.
This video covers : -
00:00 - Introduction
01:39 - When the Quantity of the Items/goods are received less than as mentioned in the tax invoice. / How to create credit notes when the quantity of the goods are not corrected.
04:47 - How to view credit note entry in GSTR-1 in TallyPrime.
05:17 - How to view/see Stock Summary Report in Tally Prime.
05:55 - If a party makes the payment within the due date, then how a credit note is made in Tally Prime to give it a discount / How to make an entry in Credit Note Voucher to give Discount with GST. / Post Sale Discount in Tally Prime.
09:08 - Tax Modify Details under GST/How to Fill Tax Classification Details.
09:42 - When to select Sales Taxable ( Interstate Sales Taxable) & Interstate Sales Taxable in Tax Classification Details in Tally Prime.
10:19 - How to calculate the average tax rate for items with different tax rates.
12:47 - Discount Allowed Due to Liquidity Problem in GST.
13:32 - When is discount given without GST ? / Rules of discount under GST.
14:48 - In what circumstances is the ledger of Discount Allowed made under the indirect expenses group ?

@Accounting : No Problem की इस हिंदी वीडियो में आप “Credit Note Voucher में GST के साथ किए जाने वाले कुछ मुख्य Transactions” के बारे में जानेंगे | यह वीडियो Credit Note Voucher में GST के साथ किए जाने वाले Transactions का दूसरा पार्ट है | इसमें आप, Credit Note से सम्बंधित निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर जान पाएँगे -
- टैली प्राइम में क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर क्या है ?
- किन-किन स्थितियों में क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर बनाया जाता है ?
- क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर का शॉर्टकट क्या है ?
- बिल में माल की गलत quantity को ठीक करने के लिए क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर कैसे बनाते हैं ?
- Correction in invoice की एंट्री कैसे करें ? या इनवॉइस में करेक्शन करने के लिए क्रेडिट नोट कैसे बनाएं ?
- अगर कोई पार्टी Due Date के अन्दर ही payment कर देती है तो उसे cash डिस्काउंट देने के लिए क्रेडिट नोट कैसे बनाया जाता है | या
- GST लगाकर Discount देने की एंट्री क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर में कैसे करें ?
- बिना GST लगाए Discount देने की एंट्री क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर में कैसे करें ?
- क्रेडिट नोट वाउचर में की गई एंट्री की GST रिपोर्ट कैसे देखें ?
- वाउचर में tax rate कैसे सेट करें ?
- Tax Classification Details कैसे भरें?
- अलग-अलग tax rate वाले आइटम्स का rate निकालने का फार्मूला क्या है ?
- Accept without conflicts का मतलब क्या है ?
- GST में Discount से सम्बंधित क्या-क्या नियम हैं ?
- Cash Discount का लेजर किस परिस्थिति में सेल्स अकाउंट ग्रुप के अंडर में बनता है ?
- Discount Allowed का लेजर किस परिस्थिति में indirect expenses ग्रुप के अंडर में बनता है ?
- GSTR-1 रिपोर्ट कैसे देखें ?
अगर आप उपरोक्त प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानना चाहते हैं तो इस वीडियो को अवश्य देखें |
धन्यवाद !

@Accounting : No Problem ki is Hindi video me aap “Credit Note Voucher me GST ke sath kiye jane vale kuch mukhya transactions” ke bare me janenge.
Yeh video Credit Note Voucher me GST ke saath kiye jane vale transactions ka dusra part hai. Isme aap, Credit Note se sambandhit nimnalikhit prashnon ke uttar jaan payenge -
- Tally Prime me Credit Note Voucher kya hai ?
- Kin-kin sthitiyo me Credit Note Voucher banaya jata hai ?
- Credit Note Voucher ka shortcut kya hai ?
Invoice me correction karne ke liye Credit Note kaise banayen ?
- Agar koi party due date ke andar hi payment kar deti hai to use cash discount dene ke liye Credit Note kaise banaya jata hai. ya - GST lagakar discount dene ki entry Credit Note Voucher me kaise kare ?
- Bina GST lagaye discount dene ki entry Credit Note Voucher me kaise kare ?
- Credit Note Voucher me ki gayi entry ki GST Report kaise dekhe?
- Voucher me Tax Rate kaise set kare ?
- Tax classification details kaise fill kare ?
- Alag-alag Tax Rate ka average Tax Rate kaise nikalate hai ?
- Average Tax Rate nikalane ka formula kya hai ?
- Accept without conflicts ka matlab kya hai ?
- GST me discount se sambandhit kya-kya niyam hai ?
- Cash Discount ka ledger kis paristhiti me Sales Accounts group ke under banta hai ?
- Discount Allow ka ledger kis paristhiti me indirect expenses group ke unde banta hai ?
- GSTR-1 Report kaise dekhe ?
Yadi aap uprokt prashno ke uttar janna chahte hain to is video ko avashya dekhen.

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Credit Note in Tally Prime | Quantity Correction in Invoice | Discount entry with & without GST

What is a Credit Note voucher Credit Note in Tally GST Credit Note entry in tally Credit note for correction in invoice discount on sales entry credit note against sales in which condition credit note voucher created credit note entry for Wrong quantity of goods in invoice discount given entry in credit note voucher Discount entry with GST Discount entry without gst GST report calculate Average tax rate in which group create Discount Allowed ledger

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