ULTRA Vegito vs ULTRA Gogeta, Strongest Fusion Decided

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Last time on dragon ball super, ultra vegito had met ultra gogeta for the first time, and found out he was the new god of destruction. Now with only one option, the battle of the fusion warriors finally commences. #ultravegito #round2

0:00 - new patreon
0:46 - ultra vegito vs ultra gogeta
4:13 - ultra vegito attacks
9:23 - ultra gogeta attacks
20:31 - full power battle
28:23 - kamehameha vs kamehameha

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Thumbnail credit: Created by my personal artist @ELordy
This is a paid commission and NOT for reuse.
Read Manga Yourself: http://bit.ly/downloadmanga
Music Credit: Covers by PokeMixr, DBZRemixes and Saiyan Enigma.

This is fan made project which uses ZERO materials or assets from any third party. This is comprised of individual sketches/fan art of characters, narrated over by a single voice actor (CALLMEARJ) who is telling an imaginative and completely original story. All illustrations and music used are unofficial and produced specifically for use in these fan driven videos comprised of simple illustrations, subtitles and narration. These stories involve heavily exaggerated moments which are comedic and parody the subject, with numerous jokes hidden throughout.

ULTRA Vegito vs ULTRA Gogeta, Strongest Fusion Decided

dragon ball super ultra vegito vegito ultra ego vegeta ultra instinct goku ultra instinct goky and ultra ego vegeta fusion ultra ego vegeta and ultra instinct goku fusion ultra instinct vegito ultra ego vegito goku and vegeta fuse beerus beerus death

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